
[nimble-portfolio post_type=”portfolio” taxonomy=”nimble-portfolio-type” skin=”defaultplus” orderby=”date” order=”ASC” default_filter=”131″ skin_columns=”-columns3″ skin_style=”-square” ]

 Amenities & Service
 Free Parking Space
 Free Wifi
 Washing Machine
 (Spin Dry)
 Lounge Space
 Pickup Service
– 我們提供花蓮火車站與民宿間的免費接送服務,若有需要請提早向我們預約,並留下當天可聯繫到您的手機號碼。
– 若您還未確定當天抵達之車次與時間,也可先以大概抵達的時間向我們預定,以便我們將車子與時間留給您。
– 若您當天臨時要求接送,須付車資 150 NTD/每車(四人座)。
– 我們會在您的預約時間抵達車站,並且等候您二十分鐘。
– 若超過等候時間您仍未抵達並且聯絡電話無人接聽,我們會返回民宿等待您的聯絡,並且您將被視為當天臨時要求接送並須付規定之車資。
– 若您的列車有誤點之狀況,請聯絡我們告知延誤時間,否則超出等待時間,將一律視為當天臨時要求接送並須付規定之車資。
– 請您務必由花蓮火車站之”後站”出口出站,若您走錯出口則必須再等待 20 分鐘,我們繞路過去接您。
– 接送服務最早由早上 8 : 00 開始,須早於 8 : 00 離館至火車站的房客,請提前自行做好交通安排。
– We provide free pickup service between Hualien Railway Station and our house. If you need this service, please contact us for a reservation early. We need your arriving time and mobile number to contact you at that day.
– If you are not sure about your train time, you still can make a reservation by giving us a range of time. Therefore we can keep the car and time available for you.
– If you ask this service at the day you will arrive, you need to pay a fare (150 NTD/a four seats car).
– We will be beside the station at your reservation time and wait for 20 minutes.
– After the waiting time, if you don’t show up and we can’t contact you, we will go back to our house and wait for your contact. However, your reservation will be canceled and if you still need this service, you need to pay the fare.
– If your train is delay, please inform us about the delay time. Otherwise, your reservation will be canceled after the waiting time and you need to pay the fare.
– Please must leave the station by the “raer entrance”. If you leave the station by a wrong exit, we have to make a detour to pick you up and it needs 20 minutes.
– Pickup service starts from 08 : 00. If you need to check out and go to the train station earlier than 08 : 00, please understand our service is unavailable at that time and arrange your own traffic way to station early.